29 May 2010

Scholarship in Sweden: PhD position in Solid Mechanics with specialization in Paper mechanics at KTH

Application deadline: May 31, 2010

The School of Engineering Sciences (SCI) at KTH hereby announces one PhD position in Solid Mechanics with specialization in Paper mechanics.

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 13,300 full-year undergraduate students, 1,500 postgraduate students and 3,900 employees.

BiMaC Innovation is a VINNOVA VINNExcellence Centre concerted multidisciplinary research program aimed to develop new innovative demonstrators in a sustainable scenario. The Centre is focused on a number of essential, but hitherto unresolved problems, which for a long time have challenged the Swedish Forest Industry in the development of new products. The aim of the achieved innovations is to secure and increase the competitiveness of the Swedish Forest Industry in an international perspective. The focus is on using material mechanics, fibre and surface modification technology, and material technology to create new products.

Research Project

The aim of the proposed project is to substantially increase the understanding of deformation and damage mechanisms in paper. This will be achieved by a combination of careful micromechanical modelling and detailed experimental studies. We plan to close a feedback loop of modelling and simulation with input from experimental studies with the goal to provide a tool that can be used to understand different deformation and damage mechanisms in paper. The technological use of the project is to enable optimization of paper properties and maximise fibre utilization. Within the proposed project the objectives are:

  • To develop a representative volume element model for finite element simulations of paper materials. The model will incorporate fibre and bond properties as well as friction between fibres.
  • To utilize microscopy and X-ray tomography to detect and quantify inhomogeneous deformation mechanisms on the micro-scale.
  • To establish relations between deformation and damage mechanisms and stress-strain curves for paper materials.


Applicants should have a solid background in solid mechanics with an interest in material science (corresponding to master level). Documented interest in research like activities (e.g. demonstrated in the form of excellent master thesis work) is of large importance.

Applicants must be strongly motivated for doctoral studies, possess the ability to work independently and perform critical analysis as well as possessing good levels of cooperative and communicative abilities. An ambition and ability to improve the competence in fibre technology will be regarded as an advantage, since the project will be performed in a multidisciplinary research centre.

To address its varied work, KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.


This is a five-year, time-limited position and normally includes 20 % departmental duties, usually teaching. The salary follows the guidelines provided by KTH.


The application should contain a letter in which the applicant describes himself/herself and his/her qualifications and interests. In addition, a curriculum vitae (CV) and copies of relevant grades should be enclosed. Students that are close to finishing a master level education are also welcome to apply.

Employers reference number: S-2010-0359.

Applications via email to:

Write reference number in the email subject. (CV, etc should be sent as an attachment preferably pdf-files.)

Alternatively applications can be sent to:
KTH, Solid Mechanics
att. Eva Lundmark Berg
Osquars Backe 1, SE-100 44 Stockholm


Mikael Nygårds, Assistant Professor
Phone: +46 8 790 76 30

Sören Östlund, Professor and Head of the Solid Mechanics Department
Phone: +46 8 790 75 42

Scholarship in Sweden: Three PhD positions in Computer Science at Uppsala University

Deadline: 4 June, 2010

at the Department of Information Technology for the project: Methods and tools for real-time software development on multicore platforms

The positions are supported by a five-year grant from the Swedish Strategic Research Foundation (SSF) to develop methods and tools for embedded and real-time applications on multicore platforms. Research directions include (1) parallelization of embedded software, (2) modeling, profiling, and prediction of timing and performance properties, (3) resource-aware mapping and scheduling, all focusing on multicore platforms.

The department has recently been awarded a ten year Linnaeus grant from the Swedish Research Council to establish the UPMARC centre of excellence, which brings together groups in complementary areas, including computer architecture, computer networks, embedded systems, verification and testing, and programming languages, to make a coordinated attack on the challenges of programming multicore systems. The announced positions are placed within UPMARC.

A successful candidate should have a master of science inComputer Science, Engineeringor equivalent. The PhD positions are for a maximum of five years and include departmental duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). Further information: http://www.teknat.uu.se and http://www.it.uu.se.

Uppsala University is striving to achieve a more even gender balance among its staff and women are especially encouraged to apply.

Applications should include a brief description of research interest and past experience, a CV, copies of exams, degrees and grades, a copy of your Master thesis (or a draft thereof) and other relevant documents. The candidates are encouraged to provide letter(s) of recommendation and contact information to reference persons.

For more information, see http://www.it.uu.se/research/coder-mp (CoDeR-MP), http://www.it.uu.se/ (the department) or contact: Prof. Wang Yi, yi@it.uu.se, or some other member of the project (see URL of CoDeR-MP). Union representatives are: Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, tel +46 18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, tel +46 18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström, Seko, tel +46 18-471 3315.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than 4 June, 2010. UFV-PA 2010/1172. Use the link below to access the application form
Three PhD positions in Computer Science

Source: http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/1172dorand_eng.html

Scholarship in Sweden: Eight PhD Positions in Organic Chemistry at Uppsala University

Application deadline on 30 July, 2010.

The Department of Biochemistry & Organic Chemistry is located at the Uppsala Biomedical Center, close to the Departments of Cell & Molecular Biology, Physical & Analytical Chemistry and Pharmaceutical Chemistry. Research at the department focuses on organic synthesis, organometallic chemistry, physical organic chemistry and chemical biology. The department consists of 65 employees of which 35 are graduate students.

The research in organic chemistry at the department is broad and ranges from method development in organic synthesis to biomedical applications and applications in materials science.

The research programs at the department can be found on the department website www.biorg.uu.se and include

  • Asymmetric synthesis
  • Organometallic chemistry
  • Bioorganic chemistry
  • Physical organic chemistry
  • PET chemistry
  • Carbon nanotubes and graphenes
  • Green and sustainable chemistry

Appointment period: The PhD position is for four years, extendable to a maximum of five years by including department duties at a level of at most 20% (typically teaching). Since first year undergraduate courses are taught in Swedish, proficiency in Swedish may be considered an advantage.

Nature of duties: The PhD student is expected to carry out advanced research in organic chemistry, to broaden his/her perspective and knowledge of organic chemistry by taking graduate courses in relevant subjects and to teach as well as participate in general departmental work such as instrument maintenance etc to a level corresponding to a maximum 20% of the employment time.

Qualifications required: To qualify for a PhD position the applicant must have at least 240 hp or equivalent of basic university education with at least 90 hp in chemistry and 60 hp at the advanced level. For applicants from outside the European Union, a GRE general test score has to be supplied.

Criteria for ranking: The ranking of applicants will be based on undergraduate grades, on the undergraduate education profile and on the applicants experience of and demonstrated interest in the appropriate field of research. It is desirable that the top candidates participate in personal interviews although that may not always be necessary or possible. In this case, the GRE general test scores may be used.

In filling this position, the university aims to recruit the person who, in a combined evaluation of competence, skills and documented qualifications, is judged most suitable to carry out and develop the work-in-hand and to contribute to a positive development of the department and programme.

Personal circumstances that may be of positive relevance to the application, for example parental leave, should be mentioned in the list of qualifications (CV).

Uppsala University is striving to achieve a greater gender balance among its research and teaching staff and women are especially invited to apply for this position.

For further information about the position, please contact professor Pher G. Andersson (+46 18 471 3801) (Pher.Andersson@Biorg.uu.se) or professor Lars Baltzer (+46 18 471 3810, (Lars.Baltzer@Biorg.uu.se). The trade union representatives are Anders Grundström of SACO (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Associations, phone +46 18 471 5380) and Carin Söderhäll of TCO/ST (the Swedish Confederation of Professional Employees, phone +46 18 471 1996), Stefan Djurström of Seko (the Union of Service and Communication Employees, phone +46 18 471 3315).

The application should be sent, preferrably by e-mail to: registrator@uu.se, or by fax +46-184712000, or by mail to: Registrar’s Office, Uppsala University, Box 256, SE-751 05 UPPSALA, Sweden.

In any correspondence please use the reference number UFV-PA 2010/1415.

Source: http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/1415dorand_eng.html

28 May 2010

PhD student Position in Automatic Control

Application deadline 2010-06-17

Reference number 2010/133

At the Department of Signals and Systems, we conduct world leading research in biomedical engineering, antennas and signal processing, automatic control, automation and mechatronics, and communication systems. Our research deals to a large extent with the modeling and development of efficient systems for extracting and processing information. The systems are often affected by signals from the environment which we cannot change and signals that we produce ourselves to control the systems. Systems which our researchers focus on include hearing aids, robots, power chains, plants, vehicles, mobile phones as well as biological systems.

There is an increasing use of mathematical modeling, simulation and optimization in modern product development. In our research, which is in close connection with industrial partners, we use modern tools on new problems, and develop the tools further so that better products can be developed faster and more reliably.
Job description

ABB has developed an innovative torque sensor that can be applied on an existing axle. Currently it is not used in any large series production but it has the potential to become very useful in the driveline of automotive vehicles. Examples of applications are optimized control for gear shifts to reduce wear, oscillations, and fuel consumption, but also for engine diagnosis and combustion analysis. In this project, financed by Energimyndigheten, the potential use of the sensor when placing it on the input shaft of the gearbox is to be assessed.

The work will cover modelling of the nonlinear sensor dynamics and the driveline dynamics, signal processing, observer design and state prediction. Experimental design and analysis, as well as evaluation of implemented methods in vehicle, will be carried out in cooperation with Volvo Powertrain, Volvo Technology and ABB Force Measurement.

You will be part of an international research environment at the department for up to five years while you expand your knowledge in the field and write your doctoral thesis. As a PhD student you will spend about 80 percent of your time on the project and graduate courses, and about 20 percent on undergraduate teaching.

Required qualifications

The applicant should at the time he or she begins hold a MSc degree with a strong background in control and related subjects. Experience of optimization, programming and mathematical modeling of mechanical systems will be appreciated. Applicants should have good analytical skills and good ability to work independently towards the research goals. Fluent written and spoken English is necessary and fluent Swedish is an advantage.

Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  • An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  • Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  • Curriculum Vitae
  • Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/133) must be written on the first page of the application.


Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

Ass. Professor Torsten Wik, Email:tw@chalmers.se, telephone +46 31 772 5146
Professor Claes Breitholtz: claesbr@chalmers.se, telephone +46 31 772 3718

Union representatives

* SACO: Jan Lindér
* ST: Marie Wenander
* SEKO: Johan Persson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

27 May 2010

Ph.D. Studentship at the Automatic Control Laboratory, KTH

Latest date for submission of application: 2010-06-15

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. There are circa 13,300 full-year undergraduate students, 1,500 postgraduate students and 3,900 employees.

The School of Electrical Engineering conducts research and education in the fields of electrical engineering, systems engineering, information and communications theory, space and fusion plasma physics, and electrical power engineering. 300 people work in this creative and dynamic environment, out of which half are Ph.D. students, many from other countries. Our research projects are carried out in close collaboration with industry partners as well as with research colleagues from Sweden and other countries. The school is responsible for educating civil engineers in electrical engineering and five masters programs which are in great demand and which have a close connection to our main fields.

The Automatic Control Lab at KTH conducts research in networked control systems, control of communication systems, systems biology and system identification. We perform fundamental research and engage in industrial projects with partners such as ABB, Scania, GM, Ericsson, and Honeywell. Much of the research is conducted within the Linnaeus Centre ACCESS, Sweden’s largest research effort in networked systems, and in EU-projects in collaboration with top universities in Europe and USA. We have a large international academic network and collaborate regularly with UC Berkeley, Caltech, ETH, and Stanford among others.

We are looking for Ph.D. students within the area of Identification of Complex, Structured and Networked Systems:

It is increasingly common that engineering systems are built from components that are interconnected in complex networks. Examples are found in the vehicle and IT industry, in energy and material distribution, and in industrial process control. This project concerns development of systematic modeling techniques for large-scale complex networks. You will for example work with system identification and/or model reduction of complex networked systems. The models are to be used for control, fault detection, or system design. We are also partner in the new EU project AUTOPROFIT (Advanced Autonomous Model-Based Operation of Industrial Process Systems) where the objective is to develop methodologies which decrease the modeling cost and provide efficient model maintenance in process control applications. The project has Eindhoven University, Delft Technical University, RWTH Aachen, and KTH as academic partners, and Boliden (Sweden), ABB (Sweden) and SASOL (South Africa) as industrial partners. Here we will develop a system identification framework for model predictive control.
We are looking for students with a solid interest in mathematical modeling, control theory, and optimization.

Qualifications of Candidates

We seek highly motivated individuals holding an MSc degree in electrical engineering, engineering physics, computer science or similar. The candidates should have excellent grades and very good skills in oral and written communication. They should be ready to contribute to a scientific research area of major importance for Swedish industry and society in general. The positions include up to twenty percent teaching at undergraduate level.
To address its varied work, KTH aims to employ a diversity of talent and thus welcomes applicants who will add to the variety of the University, especially as concerns its gender structure.


The PhD positions are intended for you who will pursue your own doctoral studies. The position will include about 80% research and 20% teaching assistance. The salary is based on the existing employment agreement for PhD position at the School of Electrical Engineering.

The application, with curriculum vitae, final grades, and a short description of future professional objectives should be either electronically submitted to 0142@ee.kth.se in one single pdf-file or a hardcopy should be sent to

KTH School of Electrical Engineering
Attn: Liselott Sandahl
Osquldas väg 10100 44

Quote the following reference number: E-2010-0142

For more information about the position, please contact:
Professor Håkan Hjalmarsson: hjalmars@ee.kth.se
Professor Bo Wahlberg: bo@ee.kth.se

More information about the Automatic Control Laboratory can be found at