3 Feb 2011

[Sweden Scholarship]: 15 PhD scholarship at Södertörn University

Call for applications for doctoral studentships at BEEGS, Södertörn University

A total of 15 doctoral studentships are available this year in the Baltic and East European Graduate School (BEEGS). Södertörn University invites applications within five disciplines: Business Administration, Ethnology, History, Political Science and Sociology. These disciplines belong to two research areas: Historical Studies, and Politics, Economy and the Organisation of Society .

Research in BEEGS focuses on Baltic and Eastern Europe, and successful applicants for the studentships must focus their research on this region. We welcome applicants from all over the world. We require fluency in English, since this is the working language at BEEGS.

We invite applications for 2-3 doctoral studentships in Business Administration. For information about research area, discipline, regulations concerning admission, entry requirements and selection criteria, see the link in the left menu.
(reference number 52/22/2011)

We invite applications for 3-4 doctoral studentships in Ethnology. For information on regulations concerning admission, entry requirements and selection criteria, see the link in the left menu.
(reference number 49/22/2011)

We invite applications for 3-4 doctoral studentships in History. For information on research area, discipline, regulations concerning admission, entry requirements and selection criteria, see the link in the left menu.
(reference number 50/22/2011)

We invite applications for 2-3 doctoral studentships in Political Science. For information about research area, discipline, regulations concerning admission, entry requirements and selection criteria, see the link in the left menu.
(reference number 51/22/2011)

We invite applications for 2 doctoral studentships in Sociology. For information about research area, discipline, regulations concerning admission, entry requirements and selection criteria, see the link in the left menu.
(reference number 48/22/2011)

Description of doctoral studentship obligations

The doctoral student who is awarded a doctoral studentship must attend seminars, third-cycle courses and compose a piece of substantial independent work (doctoral thesis). The doctoral thesis must give evidence of the doctoral student's ability independently to apply scientific methods when dealing with a research topic.

Terms of employment

Doctoral studentships are tied to employment at the university. Those awarded studentships are accordingly offered full-time employment for a period of up to four years, in accordance with the regulations of the Higher Education Ordinance (Section 36 of Chapter 7). The first day of employment is 1 September 2011. The place of work is the University Campus in Flemingsberg.

How to apply

Details on how to apply for doctoral studentships can be found on the University website. See www.sh.se/ledigajobb (for a Swedish-language version) or Vacant positions (for an English version)." Note that your application must reach Södertörn University by 1 March 2011 at the latest. You can also find more information at the different discipline links in the left menu.


BEEGS: Ann-Cathrine Jungar, Director of Studies, tel: +46 8 608 48 31, email: beegs@sh.se.

For details about contact persons within the research areas and disciplines, see the links in the left menu.

Trade-union representatives:

Anders Ullholm, Fackförbundet SACO (the Trade union SACO), tel +46 8-608 45 05
Elin Olson, Fackförbundet ST (the Trade union ST), tel +46 8-608 48 28
Gunnar Stenberg, Fackförbundet SEKO (the Trade union SEKO), tel +46 70-316 43 41

Further Information: Link

20 Jan 2011

[Sweden Scholarship]: Three Ph.D. student positions in Fundamental Physics at Chalmers University Sweden

Reference number 2010/341

Application deadline

There will be one position for each of the research groups of the Department of Fundamental Physics: Subatomic physics, elementary particle theory, and mathematical physics.

Job description

The subatomic physics group is involved in performing and preparing major experiments at e.g. GSI/FAIR in Darmstadt and CERN in Geneva, where the student can expect to spend extended periods.

The elementary particle theory group is involved in theoretical studies of e.g. supersymmetry, related to upcoming experiments at the LHC accelerator at CERN.

The mathematical physics group investigates formal aspects of superstring theory and related theories with applications in e.g. particle physics, cosmology, and condensed matter physics.

The goal with a PhD-position is to develop general research proficiency and a high competence within your specific research area. As a PhD-student, you will primarily conduct research, often together with other researchers and PhD-students. You will also follow PhD courses, be involved in teaching activities, and participate in international conferences and networks.

You are expected to write a licenciate thesis within 2-3 years and defend your doctoral thesis within 4-5 years. The total time period for the position is limited to four years full time, or five years with 20% teaching load.

The positions can be started sometime during the second half of 2011 and continues for between four and five years, depending on the amount of teaching and other duties.

Required qualifications

M.Sc. or equivalent degree. All three positions require a strong background and interest in physics.

Some further specific requirements are:

  • The position in subatomic physics requires an interest in experimental physics. Since there are strong e-science components in the activities, computing experience is also very valuable.
  • The position in elementary particle theory requires an interest to learn about current advances in our understanding beyond the standard model of particle physics.
  • The position in mathematical physics requires an interest in more formal aspects of physics.
Application procedure

The application shall be written in English and include the following items:

  1. An application of a maximum of one A4 page containing your specific qualifications for the position
  2. Attested copies of education certificates, including grade reports and other documents
  3. Curriculum Vitae
  4. Letters of recommendation and name of reference persons (optional)

The application shall be sent electronically as pdf or zipped documents. Please use the button at the foot of the page to reach the application form.

If any material is not available electronically or cannot be transferred to pdf format, the material can be sent as a hard copy to Registrar. The applicants name and the reference number (2010/341) must be written on the first page of the application.

Chalmers University of Technology
SE-412 96 Göteborg

Further information

In order to improve the gender balance at the Department, we welcome in particular applications from female candidates.

Subatomic physics: >Thomas Nilsson, (deputy head of department).

Elementary particle physics: >Måns Henningson, (director of graduate studies).

Mathematical physics: >Bengt EW Nilsson, (head of department).

Union representatives
  • SACO: Jan Lindér
  • ST: Marie Wenander
  • SEKO: Johan Persson

All reachable via Chalmers exchange: +46 31 772 10 00

Source: http://www.chalmers.se/fp/EN/news/vacancies/positions/three-ph-d-student