16 Jun 2010

Sweden: PhD studentship in Energy Technology and Thermal Process Chemistry

Application Deadline: August 2, 2010 at the latest.

PhD student position at Energy Technology and Thermal Process Chemistry“Green” fuels from biomass via torrefaction/pyrolysis, gasification and synthetisis

Department of Applied Physics and Electronics have today approximately 90 employees. The main tasks are research and postgraduate studies, education and collaboration with the society. The department has approximately 650 students in the areas of energy technology, building technology, electronics, engineering and media technology.

Energy Technology and Thermal Process Chemistry (ETPC) is a strong platform initiative within the department and is also closely linked to the Department of Chemistry and the Unit of Biomass Technology and Chemistry at the Swedish university of agricultural science. Six senior scientists and nine PhD students are working at ETPC. Several extensive research projects of both fundamental and applied character are run with the main focus to understand and develop thermochemical conversion processes for biomass raw materials.

Recently our scientists have successfully taken the pretreatment process of torrefaction to industrial commercialization (program stage 1) and now also have sufficient and appropriate torrefied biomass materials for evaluation as a gasification fuel. These test trials are planned in different sized gasifiers with partners both regionally located and around the world (program stage 2, 2010-2011). Extensive plans are also initiated to first evaluate and subsequently demonstrate production of liquid fuels and green chemicals (program stage 3, 2011-).

The duration of a PhD project is 2 years to PhL exam and totally 4-5 years to a full PhD exam.
We believe You can work systematically and stringently, have the ability to work independently as well as in collaboration with others. You should have the ability to convert theory to practice, i.e. skilled in both theoretical engineering tools as well as in practical technical and engineering work. Good skills in writing and talking English are highly valued. You should also be analytical, creative and ambitious.

Formal requirements include: (i) 240 ECTS credit points (Swe. högskolepoäng) of higher education studies within the area of energy-, chemistry- or process technology/engineering, of which 60 should be on an advanced level (Master level) (ii) equivalent educational merits gained in Sweden or abroad, or(iii) 120 Swedish (old) credit points (Swe. poäng)

The requirements mentioned need to be met at the time of acceptance to doctoral studies, not at the time when your application is submitted. For the above Biomass to Liquids Program, we are also continuously interested in Visiting Post docs/Assistant professors (fo-ass etc) and Project engineers, such as student/science projects or summer practicants for R&D work in our research facilities. For further information, please contact Anders Nordin, anders.nordin@chem.umu.se 070-239 11 33 070-239 11 33 , or Åke Fransson 090-786 50 33 090-786 50 33 , ake.fransson@tfe.umu.se.

Application procedure

The application should include: (i) a cover letter summarizing your qualifications and motives for applying, (ii) a curriculum vitae, (iii) transcripts of records, and (iv) the names and contacts of 1 to 3 references.
Union information is available from SACO, +46-(0)90-786 53 65 +46-(0)90-786 53 65 , SEKO, +46-(0)90-786 52 96 +46-(0)90-786 52 96 and ST, +46-(0)90-786 54 31 +46-(0)90-786 54 31 .

Applications will be discarded or, if the applicant so wishes, returned two years after the position has been filled. Documents sent electronically should be in MS Word or PDF format.
Your complete application, marked with reference number 313-581-10, should be sent to jobb@umu.se (state the reference number as subject) or to the registrar, Ume� University, SE-901 87 Ume�, Sweden to arrive August 2, 2010 at the latest.

Source: http://www8.umu.se/umu/aktuellt/arkiv/lediga_tjanster/313-581-10.html

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