22 Dec 2010

[Sweden Scholarships]: PhD positions in Theology

Ph Scholarship at the Department of Theology, Uppsala Unviersity, Sweden:
Starting date: 1 September 2011. Applications can be made for studies in the following subjects:

History of Religions
Sociology of Religion
Psychology of Religion
Old Testament Exegesis
New Testament Exegesis
Church History
World Christianity and Interreligious Studies
Systematic Theology and Studies in World Views
Philosophy of Religion

Two PhD positions are reserved for applicants in New Testament Exegesis, provided that the applicants are qualified for studies at research level.

The holder of a PhD position shall, foremost, be devoted to his or her own postgraduate study and research. Other duties at the Department which relate to teaching and administrative work may be included within the scope of the employment (to a maximum of 20 %). A requirement for employment as doctoral student is that the applicant must be admitted to postgraduate studies. To this extent, the applicant’s ability to successfully complete the doctoral studies will be decisive. The successful applicant will be supported the first year with a doctoral grant and the remaining three years by a doctoral studentship. Regulations governing University admissions are found (in Swedish) in Högskoleförordningen, chapter 7 §§ 34-36 and chapter 5 §§ 1-7. Information on admissions requirements, application forms etc. can be found on the website of the Department of Theology: www.teol.uu.se or by contacting study counselor Malin Ekström, (malin.ekstrom@teol.uu.se) ph. 018-4712169.

Applications should include:

  • official transcripts of academic results from university studies, including any graduate studies which prove that the candidate meets both general and particular qualification requirements for studies at research level at the Faculty of Theology. In relevant cases a copy of the candidate’s degree certificate should also be included,
  • a project description of 6 pages with the following headings: aim, questions, material, method, theoretical framework, the relation of the study to earlier research and material for the future thesis. All headings should be included,
  • completed application form for admission to postgraduate studies/Antagning till forskarutbildning,
  • suggestion for financial plan for studies at research level – see detailed information attached to the form “financial plan”,
  • essays written at C- and D-level and in relevant cases, E-level,
  • note about who you have approached and asked to become your supervisor.

To write the application, both the application form “Admission to Postgraduate Studies/Antagning till forskarutbildning” and general syllabus for the subject concerned are needed. By using the later you should check that you fulfil both general and particular entrance requirements for studies at research level in the subject. Make contact well in advance with a lecturer/professor at the faculty who is willing to function as a supervis-or if you should be accepted. Applications which make no mention of a contacted supervisor will not be considered. As you compile your application you may have use of the faculty’s guidelines for the application process for studies at research level, assessment criteria and requirements for the project description that is at the centre of your application. All above documents and instructions for application are found on the following web-site: http://www.teol.uu.se/Education/Postgraduate_studies/


study counselor Malin Ekström, e-mail malin.ekstrom@teol.uu.se phone 018-471 21 69 or director of studies Magnus Lundberg, e-mail magnus.lundberg@teol.uu.se phone 018-471 21 87.

Union representatives are Anders Grundström (Saco-rådet), phone 018-471 5380 and Carin Söderhäll (TCO/ST), phone 018-471 1996, Stefan Djurström (Seko), phone 018-471 3315.

The application should be sent by WEBBAPPLICATION no later than February 7, 2011. Use the link below to access the application form
PhD positions

Pdf-documents that can’t be attached should be sent to Uppsala University, Registrar's Office, Box 256, S-751 05 Uppsala, Sweden. Please use the reference number UFV-PA 2010/3182.

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