9 Dec 2010

[Sweden Scholarships]: Postgraduate position in Political science (Climate Policy) at Lund University

Application Deadline: 10-12-2010

Postgraduate position in Political science directed towards international climate policy

Type of employment: Limit of tenure, until 28 February 2015
Extent: 100 %
Location: Department of Political Science, Lund
First day of employment: 1 March 2011
Official Records Number: SPA 2010/285

Areas of research
The postgraduate position is part of the strategic research initiative Biodiversity and Ecosystem Services in a Changing Climate (BECC), specifically the research theme on Governance and Economics of Natural Resources. This theme critically evaluates synergies and trade-offs between policies addressing climate change, biodiversity protection, forestry and ecosystem resilience as well as formulates policies and strategies that lead to an integrated policy management. Carbon accounting is a concept that draws attention to the conditions under which climate governance becomes possible. Carbon accounting highlights the necessity of the ‘counting of carbon’ and the measures that enable stocks and flows of carbon to be taken into account. Carbon accounting is thus concerned with the ways in which carbon can be measured, quantified, modelled and statistically aggregated, for example in forest and soils, and the translation of this knowledge into international negotiations, policies and political institutions.

The credibility of a future international climate treaty hinges on the development of appropriate measures that guarantees effective greenhouse gas mitigation efforts in the post 2012 era. In the coming years, the privatisation and commodification of carbon sequestration services is likely to expand through, for example, negotiations on forests and land-use under the UN’s climate convention (UNFCCC).

Job assignments
The doctoral candidate programme amounts to 240 credits (which is equivalent to four years of study full time). It formally ends with the doctoral candidate publicly defending his/her printed doctoral thesis. The holder of a postgraduate position has as his/her primary obligation to successfully fulfil his/her third cycle education ending with a PhD degree. Regulations concerning appointment as a full time postgraduate student can be found in the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5, 1-7 §§.

The holder of a postgraduate position is expected to participate actively in the research and teaching environment of the Department. He/she will normally have to perform departmental duties, above all teaching, amounting to about 20 per cent of full time. The Ph.D. student is expected to carry out research that contributes to the aims of the BECC. Areas of research could be e.g. forest carbon commodification and governance, international politics of Reduced Emissions from Deforestation and Forest Degradation (REDD), social dimensions of accounting for carbon in soils and forests, scientific uncertainty and the mutual constitution of scientific knowledge and political institutions.
Eligibility/Entry Requirements
To be eligible for third cycle studies an applicant must

1. Have been awarded a second cycle degree
2. Have completed studies the equivalent of at least 240 higher education credits, of which at least 60 credits are at the second cycle level, or
3. Have acquired basically the same qualifications in some other way in Sweden or abroad.

Students that met the requirements for basic eligibility for third cycle studies before 1 July 2007, shall also be considered eligible for third cycle studies after the new regulations came into force, but only until the end of June 2015 in accordance with the following paragraph:The requirements for basic eligibility for third cycle studies are met by those who have completed first cycle education corresponding to at a minimum 180 higher education credits or acquired basically the same qualifications in some other way in Sweden or abroad. We are looking for excellent candidates with a background in Political Science or equivalent, e.g. International Relations, International Political Economy, Development Studies, Human and Political Geography, Political Sociology, Political Ecology, Public Administration and Policy Studies.
Basis of Assessment
In accordance with the Higher Education Ordinance Chapter 5, paragraph 5, particular emphasis for admission shall be placed upon the applicant’s perceived ability to successfully complete their studies, as indicated by academic qualifications and merits. The statement of area of research interests as well as previously written theses and publications are important indicators of the ability. Proficiency in spoken and written English is also of great importance.

For further information please contact:
Tomas Bergström, Head of the Department
+46 46-222 96 87

Karin Bäckstrand, Associate Professor, Co-director BECC
+46 46-222 47 63

Johannes Stripple, Senior Researcher, Principal Investigator BECC
+46 46-222 40 08


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