Applicaiton Deadline: 24 January, 2011
PhD student in Computer Science with Specialisation in Computing Education Research
at the Department of Information Technology.
The position is located within the Uppsala Computing Education Research Group (UpCERG) at the Department of Information Technology. UpCERG conducts research in Computing and Engineering Education, with a focus on student understanding and support for innovative curriculum development. The research is driven by a desire to contribute to the body of Scholarship of Learning and Teaching that informs educational practice in computing. The aim is to explore and develop undergraduate and graduate education in computing, and related fields, through the use of rigorous research methods. Research foci are chosen with a view to their potential impact on computing and engineering education.
The group has an extensive international and national research network and directs the CeTUSS centre for development of student and socially relevant engineering education. Moreover, group members chair the IEEE Nordic Education Chapter and the IEEE Frontiers in Education Steering Committee. The group is also involved as major partner in two Nordic Council funded initiatives, the Nordic Network for Engineering Education Research and Nordic Engineering Education Research Master Programme.
UpCERG conducts research in computing education: current research areas include Globalisation and Culture, Student Conceptions and Ways of Understanding Computing, Learning Professional Skills, and Technology Supported Education. The thesis topic for the selected PhD candidate will be in one of these areas. The precise research issues to be investigated will be defined in a dialogue with the candidate.
A PhD position in Computer Science with specialisation in Computing Education Research requires a BSc (Hons), Master of Science, or equivalent degree, with at least one year of full-time studies in courses of relevance to Computing Education Research. This is a salaried position, for up to five years, and includes departmental duties at a level of at most 20 % (typically teaching). The base salary is currently approximately 22,200 SEK per month.
Applications should include a description of research interests and past experience, a CV, copies of degrees and/or diplomas and transcript of results, a copy of Master/Honours thesis (or a draft thereof), relevant publications, and other relevant documents. Candidates are encouraged to provide contact information to reference persons. A good grasp of written and spoken English is required. Applications may be submitted by candidates that have not fully completed the Master of Science degree (or equivalent), however all applicants should state their expected graduation date.
The department is striving to achieve gender balance. Female candidates are therefore particularly invited to apply.
For more information, see or contact: Prof. Michael Thuné, Union representatives are: Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, phn. +46 18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, phn. +46 18-471 1996, Stefan Djurström, Seko, phn. +46 18-471 3315.
You are welcome to submit your application no later than 24 January, 2011, UFV-PA 2010/3303. Use the link below to access the application form.
PhD Student in Computer Science with Specialisation in Computing Education Research
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