27 Dec 2012

PhD position in human population genomics at Uppsala University, Sweden

at the department of Ecology and Genetics, EBC, Uppsala University, Sweden
Application no later than 2013-02-28. UFV-PA 2012/3340. 
A PhD-student position in human population genomics is available at the Evolutionary biology center, Uppsala University. Starting date as soon as possible or as agreed upon.

Project description: Modern humans originated in Africa, although the process by which modern humans arose has been vigorously debated. The greatest genetic variation has consistently been identified within African populations and variation outside of Africa has been shown to be mainly a subset of the African diversity with potential small contributions from archaic forms of humans. Human migration and the exodus from Africa some 70,000 years ago are closely tied with east Africa because the traditionally favored model of the migratory route out of Africa for anatomically modern humans runs through east Africa. Furthermore, the oldest fossils of anatomically modern humans have been found in east Africa. This project focuses on deciphering the population history and patterns of genetic variation among east African populations, which today display substantial ethnic, cultural and linguistic diversity. The successful candidate will use large-scale population genomic data from multiple of east African populations to understand the history of human occupation of eastern Africa.

The PhD student will be part of Dr. Mattias Jakobsson's lab at the EvolutionaryBiologyCenter. The Jakobsson lab has a broad interest in population genetics and human evolution and use a combination of mathematical studies of population genetic models and computational approaches to understand the complex patterns of large-scale human genetic variation and their implications for human demographic history. In particular, the research focuses on understanding population history and human evolution using genetic information from both recent and ancient individuals, developing statistical methods for analyzing large genomic data, and searching for genes targeted by selection. There are ample opportunities to work closely with postdocs and other PhD students in the lab that focus on related projects, such as southern Africa and ancient DNA projects. The research environment is international with English being the working language. See Jakobsson lab web-page for more information and recent publications (http://www.ebc.uu.se/Research/IEG/evbiol/research/Jakobsson/).

Qualifications: An MSc or possibly a BSc degree (or equivalent) in a relevant field is required. The ideal candidate is highly motivated with thorough education and strong interest in evolutionary genetics/genomics, population genetics and human evolution. Previous experience with large-scale genetic data analysis, bioinformatics, and programming is advantageous. Mathematical, computational and statistical training is also advantageous. Candidates must be fluent in English.

Conditions: The PhD training comprises four years of full time research and studies. The successful candidate will receive a fellowship the first year and a PhD-student position year 2-4. The position can be combined with up to 20% of teaching assistantship, which will then prolong the position accordingly. Please contact Mattias Jakobsson (mattias.jakobsson@ebc.uu.se, +46 18 471 6449) for more information. Union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet +46 18 471 5380 och Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST +46 18 471 1996, Stefan Djurström, Seko +46 18 471 3315.

How to apply: The application should include 1) a letter of intent describing your research interests and motivation for PhD studies, 2) a short description of your education, especially in population genetics, human genetics, genomics, bioinformatics, computational biology, statistics, mathematics and other related areas, 3) a CV, 4) an authorized copy of your BSc/MSc degree, 5) the names and contact information (address, email address, and phone number) of at least two reference persons, 6) relevant publications (including BSc/MSc thesis). The application must be written in English.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than February 28st 2013, UFV-PA 2012/3340 Use the link below to access the application form.

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