30 Nov 2010

[ Sweden Scholarship ]: PhD Scholarship in Polymer Technology at KTH, Sweden

Final of application: 2010-12-13

Number of reference: K-2010-0528

PhD position in Polymer Technology
KTH School of Chemical Science and Engineering seeks a PhD student in Polymer Technology

KTH is the largest technical university in Sweden. Education and research cover a broad spectrum within natural sciences and engineering, as well as architecture, industrial engineering and management, urban planning, work science and environmental engineering. KTH has 13 344 full-time equivalent students of whom 6 955 at Bachelor (first) level and 5 545 at Master (second) level. In addition 1 314 full-time equivalent students at doctoral studies (third) level and 3 900 employees.

The School of Chemical Science and Engineering includes the areas Chemistry, Chemical Engineering and Fibre and Polymer technology. It encompasses both fundamental and applied chemical sciences and seeks sustainable development through scientific excellence. Many research activities are interdisciplinary across the borders from chemistry to materials science, environmental science, biochemistry, biology and medicine. The School offers a Bachelor of Science in Chemical Science and Engineering, Higher Education Diploma in Chemical Engineering and three international Master programs Chemical Engineering for Energy and the Environment, Macromolecular Materials and Molecular Science and Engineering. We cooperate also with the Master programs Energy and Environment, Materials design, and Biotechnology.

The candidate will in cooperation with several senior researchers and Ph.D. students participate in an interdisciplinary experimental research project that targets the design, synthesis, and investigation of new functional polymer systems for both large-scale commodity applications and highly specialized tissue engineering applications. This particular position will focus on materials for tissue engineering applications. The use of degradable biomedical materials has changed medical science during the past decades. As the need to reconstruct tissues or organs increases, so does the requisites to improve the ways by which this is accomplished. In addition, the demands on the materials constituting these systems are specific to each application and hence, a vast array of different biodegradable materials with varying material characteristics has to be made available to satisfy these short-term demands. In this project, systems generated by novel approaches utilizing all levels of order will be investigated and developed.

Requirements: A suitable background for this position is a Master of Science in chemical engineering, specialized in polymer chemistry with preferred knowledge in organic chemistry. Of merit, but not a requirement, is knowledge in polymer synthesis, preferably living polymerization and degradation characterization. Candidates must be strongly motivated for doctoral studies, possess good levels of cooperative and communicative skills to be able to interact with researchers in the same and related fields, the ability to work independently and to perform critical analysis.

Form of employment: Time-limited
Start date: According to agreement

Application procedure
Application should be sent in hard copy to:
Inga Persson
Royal Institute of Technology (KTH)
Department of Fibre and Polymer Technology
Teknikringen 56-58
100 44 Stockholm

Application shall include the following documents:

1.Curriculum vitae including full contact information to two reference persons
2.Transcripts from university/university college
3.Personal letter describing yourself, your background, and a brief description of why the applicant wishes to become a doctoral student
4.Copy of abstract from the diploma work (or a description and expected finishing date) and publications (when applicable)

Professor Ann-Christine Albertsson
Phone: +46 8 790 82 74

Dr. Karin Odelius
Phone: +46 8 790 80 76


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