10 Dec 2010

[Sweden Scholarships]: PhD scholarship in Biochemistry at Uppsala University

Application Deadline: 22 December, 2010

PhD student position in Biochemistry
at the Department of Biochemistry and Organic Chemistry. Starting date: Spring 2011

Project Description: Our efforts are focused on understanding structure/function relationships in enzymes and to apply these findings to the development of new and useful biocatalysts for specific and efficient catalysis of reactions generating chiral and pro-chiral product molecules.

We are presently working on hydrolases, oxidoreductases and aldolases. A goal is to construct multi-step syntheses pathways involving reactants and intermediates with chiral centers. Robust in vivo production of designed fine chemicals afforded by stepwise enzyme catalyzed synthesis is a long-term aim. (See http://www.biorg.uu.se/Forskning/directed-evolution/)

Thus, the announced PhD student position is part of a wider research project involving several researchers. The group consists, at present, of two additional PhD students, one research scientist and the principal investigator. Our lab is located at the Biomedical Center campus of Uppsala University. The location inside the BMC facilitates interactions with interfacing sciences in Chemistry, Biology, Medicine and Pharmacy.

Key words: directed enzyme evolution; synthetic biochemistry; biocatalysis; enzymology.

Obligatory requirements: Bachelor of Science (or equivalent) in Biochemistry or neighboring subject areas of Chemistry or Molecular Biology, and in addition, at least one year of full-time studies at Advanced level within the corresponding subject areas, including the exam project (or equivalent).

Additional Meritorious Qualifications: Proof of theoretical and/or practical knowledge/skills in:

■heterologous expression of proteins (gene/cDNA cloning, prokaryotic expression systems)
■directed mutagenesis (PCR, oligo-directed mutagenes etc.)
■protein purification (chromatography)
■analysis methods for studies of biomolecules and other low-molecular organic compounds (electrophoresis, HPLC, basic knowledge of NMR)
■use of relevant computer software (word processor, spreadsheet, molecular graphics, data analysis).
■teaching experience.

The position as PhD student may be held for four years, with extension to a maximum of five years if including 20 % department service duties. These duties in general include teaching undergraduate students. Since basic undergraduate courses are tought in Swedish, proficiency in the Swedish language is considered a merit. The rules governing this process can be found in Higher Education Ordinance (Högskoleförordningen) 5 kap §§ 1-7. Local guideline at Uppsala University determine the salary.

The university is striving for a more even gender balance in its research and teaching staff and women are especially encouraged to apply for this position.

For further information, contact: Professor Mikael Widersten, mikael.widersten@biorg.uu.se. Union representatives are Anders Grundström, Saco-rådet, phn: +46 18-471 5380, Carin Söderhäll, TCO/ST, phn: +46 18-471 1996 and Stefan Djurström, Seko, phn: +46 18-471 3315.

The applicant should add to the application: a letter describing him-/herself, merits and research interests, CV, copies of documents confirming academic degrees, exam projects (or equivalent), other relevant publications and letters of reccommendation.

You are welcome to submit your application no later than 22 December, 2010, UFV-PA 2010/3276. Use the link below to access the application form.

PhD student position in Biochemistry

Source: http://www.personalavd.uu.se/ledigaplatser/3276eng.html

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